Founded in 2022, AK Artist Management is the bridge connecting performing organizations, academic institutions, and venues to performers, composers, and educators. We care deeply about the artists we work with and making a positive change in building a more inclusive musical space.

Reach out to get connected with these artists and their projects!

AK Artist Management



Griffin Candey, Easy Tiger, led by Nick Balla and the Arkansas State University Bands - Grade 4 concert band

Griffin Candey, Featherweight Champion of the World, led by Jayce Clemons (Tennessee Tech University) and Jean Carlo Ureña Gonzalez (Lawrence University) - mixed percussion quartet

Diversify the Stand, Chroma Collection, in partnership with the Chroma Collective - 2-part flex instruments and piano

Gala Flagello, Piano Concerto Consortium, with soloist Henry Kramer - piano and chamber orchestra

Gala Flagello, Monochrome Metronome, led by Calypsus Brass - brass quintet